
Zayin Cabot, Ph.D. is an author, professor, and spiritual mentor.
His first book, Ecologies of Participation: Agents, Shamans, Diviners, and Mystics, lays the groundwork for a 21st-century spirituality. It invites us to wake up to our shared planetary predicament. To work together across cultures, communities, and what seem to be insurmountable points of conflict.
Zayin was first told that he was not crazy by Micahel Harner, author of the Way of the Shaman, in 2003. After years of training and practice with Michael and other teachers, Zayin met Malidoma Somé, author of Of Water and Spirit, who quickly became a close friend and mentor. In parallel to this journey, Zayin studied and practiced Buddhist and Western forms of mysticism, and mentored by Jorge Ferrer, developed his own unique expression of Participatory Spirituality.
Working with Zayin is about feeling seen, re-committing to the unique gifts you came to offer this world, and finding the courage to inhabit all of who yo